Special telecast “Gujar da Dera”
The show is about a Gujar who bows to the same God we bow… possess a heart that feels for others… dramatic confrontations between good and evil made the show interesting for the viewers.
Gujar main character of the show sets-off on a path of redemption and self-discovery, a split of a second changes Gujar’s entire life which makes him leave all his wrongdoings and rises in his own esteem.
The show touched upon many important issues prevailing in the country such as need of building schools and spreading education, peace love and harmony. Placement of social reform message in the show through numerous punch lines was simply fantastic.
Denouement of the show was excellent wherein a thought was established… why we create an environment where there it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat and to lie…. our country does not need this all… we need to replace these evils with respect for each other’s rights, dignity and love.
The Sahir Show is set to influence masses by weaving social welfare theme and creating fantastic shows, the whole team is really engaged behind this effort and playing their part brilliantly.
Altogether it was refreshing fun and laugher show with a definite serious message for the viewers.
(Videos and images here)
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
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